

Enrolment Procedure

1- The following documents should be produced during enrolment.

  • Copy Reports from the previous school/ Kindgerten transition report
  • Birth certificate or Passport
  • Copy of the visa details for International students
  • Copy of Financial Guarantee for International students
  • Immunisation certificate (for Prep’s students)
  • Other reports relevant to academic abilities and learning needs
  • Custodial information ( if applicable)

2- Information given should be correct.

  • If the child has any medical condition, this should be clearly stated in the enrolment form.

3- The emergency contact telephone number should be supplied. When this number changes parents should inform the school.

4- Current address and telephone number should be supplied. When the address and telephone number changes the school should be informed immediately.

5- If the child has single parent, then the copy of legal custody papers should be provided.

6- All year level seeking enrolment at this college will be required to sit for an entrance test.

7- A non-refundable enrolment fee shall be paid during enrolment. If the child attends the school, this fee will form part of the school fees
8- Declaration: Parents shall sign the declaration that they have understood, agree to abide by the school policy and the discipline policy

9- Our college places great importance upon attendance and punctuality. Every student should attend the school before the start of morning assembly.

Prep: In addition to the enrolment policy numbers 1-9, the following policy matters are applicable:

  • The minimum age for the Foundation students shall be no less than 5 years as of 31st of April of the current school year.
  • Every child seeking enrolment at this college should have attended Kindergarten. Evidence of such attendance is required.

NOTE: Letter of confirmation or rejection of enrolment will be sent to the parents

School Fees

School fees vary from year to year and differ from year level to year level. More detailed information can be obtained from the college office.

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