
Declaration of Faith Based College

Based on our beliefs, values and traditions, faith – based Schools/ Colleges declare and affirm the following:

  1. We are a proud part of the Australian educational system and committed to teaching according to the guidelines of government curriculum standards and shared Australian values.
  2. We teach the children in our schools to be proud- Australians, model citizens and to participate positively in building a prosperous, harmonious and safe society in Australia.
  3. We teach the children in our schools to respect the rights of others and to understand the different backgrounds and religions of Australia’s multicultural society.
  4. We teach our children about the rights of their neighbours and the respect, care and protection of people and property.
  5. We are committed to perpetuate the integrity of our traditions in teaching the value of life and the dignity of all people.
  6. We are committed to teach the pursuit of peace and promotion of understanding.
  7. We stand against those who preach violence and hatred.
  8. We are committed to participate fully in our democratic system.
  9. We believe in mutual respect, co-operation, tolerance and dialogue.
  10. We respect diversity and promote multiculturalism.
  11. We welcome cooperation with the wider community.