
Foundation – Grade 2

Early Years Programs

The aim of the ϴȫ’s Early Years Program is to give every student encouraging, rewarding and enjoyable experience at school.   Our focus is not just on academic development, but also the physical, spiritual, emotional and social needs of your child. As such, we offer a multi-faceted curriculum to extensively cover all these dimensions of education. Every child is special.  Every child is unique in his or her own way.  We instil a sense of responsibility towards learning in children.

Literacy and Numeracy skills play a pivotal role in the early years for a student as part of the school curriculum.

Literacy Program

The Early Years Literacy Program at ϴȫ includes:

  • Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening sessions
  • THRASS Spelling Program
  • Cued Articulation for students in Foundation Year to develop phonic and spelling skills
  • Guided, Modelled and Shared Reading and Writing Sessions

The children work in groups or with the teacher to understand the wide variety of Literacy categories. Use of technology also plays an important role. Teachers use Interactive White Boards and encourage students to use computers and iPads.

EAL and Literacy support are also offered to enhance the classroom language program additionally.

Numeracy Program

Everyone needs to be numerate to maximise their life chances and to make a positive contribution to society. Rapidly growing technological advances are making the need for numeracy skills more critical within the workplace. With greater numbers of workers engaging in more sophisticated tasks, numeracy is recognised as an essential employability skill. We focus on developing children’s skills to establish learning behaviour that will provide the basis for life-long learning.

Various ways are used to make students reach their highest potential. An environment that helps extensive and effective learning with materials and technology is built to deliver the best to the students. Teachers use a range of resources and strategies to teach the concepts of number/place value, pattern, algebra, geometry, measurement, spatial relations and statistics. The students are grouped to maximise the process of learning.

Our Specialist Programs include

  • Visual Arts / Drama
  • Arabic as Language Other Than English (LOTE)
  • Islamic Studies
  • ϳܰ’a
  • Physical Education
  • Well-being Program including Better Buddies Program (Foundation /Grade 6)
Foundation – Grade 2

Inquiry Learning – Humanities/Science

‘Inquiry’ is defined as ‘a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge – seeking information by questioning.’ We are committed to developing children’s inquiry skills in the early years of their learning process. The process of inquiring begins with gathering information and data through applying the human senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.

A range of structured inquiry topics focus on developing the key inquiry skills of asking questions, finding out and sorting information from a variety of sources.  By being aware of the parts that make up the whole, a teacher can help children learn the skills necessary to plan and carry out successful inquiry investigations. Students develop their interpersonal skills and are supported with different strategies through the inquiry process. When learners interact with the world in a scientific way, they find themselves observing, questioning, hypothesizing, predicting, investigating, interpreting, and communicating. Interactive experiences like excursions and incursions support the process of Inquiry Learning.

Thinking skills and Problem solving activities are essential features of our curriculum. ICT is incorporated into all areas of the curriculum.

We are committed to ensure that our students from ϴȫ have every opportunity to develop initiative and independence.

Foundation – Grade 2

“When education is viewed as inquiry, important things happen. The focus of education becomes learning and the task of teaching becomes one of supporting the inquiry process.” – Harste (1993)